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  • The disparity in educational opportunities in the Dominican Republic and Mexico has done nothing but allow the cycle of poverty to continue. Looking specifically at MX, around 27% of kids don’t have an education at all while 55% of kids are enrolled in primary school. This number, however, drastically decreases to 11% of children being enrolled in secondary school. This is largely attributed to the fact that children are at the age when they can start working and helping their families out, something which I’ll touch on later. In the Dominican Republic, people live in conditions where accessing clean water, scavenging for food, and making some money takes precedence over getting an education. These families have to worry about whether or not they can eat, whether or not money is coming in steady. Education is simply not on the top of the priorities list.

    The solution to this ever growing issue is sports. Given the fact that so many children participate in soccer in Mexico and baseball in the Dominican Republic, my plan is to connect the poorer schools with the more well-off one's through this. By having the two schools compete with one another, this will hopefully open the door to teacher’s visiting each school and sharing resources. This can be one step in the right direction to close this gap in education, and therefore, ending this vicious cycle of poverty.

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